
Out-of-school journalism programs for NYC high school students and resources for teachers interested in creating journalism programs at their schools.

Don’t see a program listed that should be here? Email us!

The Bell

Miseducation Podcast

The Miseducation Podcast internship is for young people who want to dive into the world of audio journalism and tell stories about the NYC school system. This internship provides hands-on training that students use to create their own episodes of the Miseducation Podcast.

Students have regular opportunities to meet professionals in the journalism industry and explore potential career paths.

The paid program takes place after school during the school year and is open to NYC public high school students. No experience necessary! We encourage students who haven’t previously had access to journalism opportunities to apply.

Summer Youth Podcast Academy

The three-week Summer Youth Podcast Academy provides students immersive, hands-on audio storytelling training from industry professionals. Each student reports, writes, records and mixes their own podcast episode. The episodes are published on the SYPA Podcast.

The paid program takes place every August and is open to NYC public high school students and recent graduates. No experience necessary! We encourage students who haven’t previously had access to journalism opportunities to apply.

Learn more

website: bellvoices.org

instagram: @miseducationpod


Student Voices Fellowship

Chalkbeat's Student Voices Fellowship is a semester-long extracurricular program focused on personal essay writing. This paid opportunity is open to rising juniors and seniors attending a public or charter school in New York City or Newark, New Jersey. Students will work alongside Chalkbeat journalists and writing coaches to develop, write, and publish first-person essays about their lives and education. Fellows receive a $1,000 stipend. No journalism experience necessary.

First-Person Essays

Chalkbeat's First Person series publishes student essays on a rolling basis throughout the year. We seek out essays centered around the writer's personal experience or observation.

We’re always looking for pieces that...

  • Consider a news event’s real-life impact on schools.

  • Recount formative classroom experiences, why they were significant, and what changed as a result.

  • Acknowledge uncomfortable emotions and experiences, such as fear or mistakes, and the lessons that emerged as a result.

  • Provide a unique personal perspective about an issue people are talking about.

Our pieces usually run about 800 words. We pay $125 per published piece.



City Limits


CLARIFY News is a paid training and reporting internship for New York City high school students who have an interest in writing and want to explore issues affecting their community. Students are trained in the essentials of reporting and news writing, including research, interviewing, investigative techniques, media ethics, story structure, photojournalism and more. Fall and Spring cohorts meet after school twice a week. A summer reporting internship meets daily for six weeks. Participants work closely with City Limits’ reporters on a locally focused news story about important New York City issues, with the goal of getting those stories published on City Limits News. No experience in journalism is required to apply, but students should be committed to fully participating in the program if accepted. Open to all NYC high school students, we encourage you to apply by sending an email to info@clarifynews.org to receive more information.



The Nation Fund for Independent Journalism

Fellowship for the Future of Journalism

Each student selected begins this paid fellowship at the end of their sophomore year and will complete 21 months of training, working through a custom curriculum with a dedicated teacher and mentor. This comprehensive program will allow students to shine, go beyond the fundamentals and produce content that will be published by the Nation Fund for Independent Journalism and by The Nation. The fellowship’s immersive multi-year structure is designed to promote not just college readiness but college persistence and career training. Our fellowship is a launch pad, giving students from diverse backgrounds the training and platform they need to add their much-needed perspectives to the national dialogue. Applications for the next cohort will be open in early 2024 with a start date of April 2024. The program is year-round on a schedule the students and teacher choose. The fellowship is currently available to students from the Urban Assembly/CUNY School District and we hope to expand soon.

Learn more

website: thenationfund.org

linkedin: The Nation Fund



Press Pass NYC

Journalism Adviser Fellowship Program

This stipended year-long fellowship program is designed to develop a cohort of educators to start and sustain student-led, mission-driven, community-centered journalism programs at their schools. Applications open in the spring and the fellowship formally begins with an adviser "bootcamp" in the summer followed by professional development days and other events throughout the school year. Press Pass NYC further commits to continuing to serve fellows and their schools as much as needed in subsequent years.

We believe in an educator-focused model because educators:

* Know their students best and can adapt a journalism program to fit their school’s needs.

* Provide stability and continuity, serving as anchors for the journalism program even after the founding students graduate.

We also believe that the most meaningful aspect of scholastic journalism comes through student-led student journalism publishing and our goal is for each school we work with to have the strongest possible student news publication.

Student Journalism Leaders Fellowship Program

Press Pass NYC believes that a school news publication is only as strong as the students who produce it and that the strength of any staff depends on the force of its leadership (and the fun they find in the experience!).

This year-long student fellowship program is designed to prepare students from our partner schools to become effective school newspaper staff leaders–at the same time making new friends, exploring new subjects, and developing leadership skills that will serve them throughout their lifetime

The fellowship consists of a year-round series of seminars, workshops, field trips and roundtables led by experts from a range of journalism organizations, as well as a fun-filled in-person summer “Student Editor Bootcamp.” (Metrocards, meals and stipend are provided.)

The Paley Center

Teen Transmitters Summer HS Internship

Teen Transmitters at The Paley Center for Media is a 100-hour summer internship for rising 11th and 12th grade students who attend New York City public high schools.

During the course of this program, interns take a deep dive into media literacy and explore how the words, sounds, and images they encounter every day make an impression on them. In addition to studying the media landscape, interns will find out what it means to be a digital storyteller. Industry professionals, museum curators, journalists, documentarians, and podcast producers are invited to speak to the students about their career paths and act as mentors over the course of the program. As a culminating project, interns learn to tell stories by producing an original podcast series. Above all, interns will gain skills in public speaking, interviewing, research, writing, and audio production that are crucial for college and career readiness.



Baruch College

Baruch College High School Journalism Program

Baruch College’s High School Journalism Program [“HSJP”] is an initiative to inspire and support public high school student journalists, teacher-advisors and school newspapers while encouraging experiential news literacy education through our educational programming.

The HSJP is part of Baruch College’s Department of Journalism and the Writing Professions. This grant-funded program, directed by Professor Geanne Belton, offers, free of charge, an annual NYC High School Journalism Conference, an annual NYC public high school journalism competition, and a new course for teachers to help public high schools that don’t have newspapers to launch newspapers. The program is also responsible for research on high school newspaper prevalence.