J-Day 2024

Student journalists and adult supporters gathered at City Hall on April 18 to advocate for youth journalism equity and to announce a new YJC initiative called Journalism for All.

Check out a recap of the day below.










Press Conference

YJC students, City Council members, and leaders from CUNY Newmark J-School joined together to announce Journalism for All, a citywide initiative to expand school journalism programs with the help of a groundbreaking new high school journalism curriculum.

Jere Hester, Director of Editorial Projects and Partnerships at CUNY’s Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, introduces the Journalism for All curriculum. Photo by Dulce Marquez

YJC student leader Derry Oliver speaks to reporters about the importance of listening to student voices. Photo by Dulce Marquez

Council Member Mercedes Narcisse speaks in support of expanding school journalism programs. Photo by Dulce Marquez

Students with Council Member Farah N. Louis. Photo Credit: YJC

Meetings with Council Members

After the press conference, student journalists from across the city met with Council Members to spread the news about the Journalism for All initiative and how they can help. Students met with more than 20 Council Members or their staff representatives.

Students meet with Council Member Carmen De La Rosa. Photo Credit: YJC

Students pose for a photo with Council Member Selvena Brooks-Powers. Photo Credit: YJC

Students pose for a photo with Council Member Yusef Salaam. Photo Credit: YJC

Students talk to Council Member Kevin Riley. Photo Credit: Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit

Introducing Resolution 0372

Calling on the NYC Department of Education to provide support for a student newspaper at every high school

YJC student press lead Makenna Turner (left) with City Council Education Committee Chair Rita Joseph. Photo Credit: Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit

“I stand united in advocating for increased diversity and equal opportunities in journalism, particularly for our youth. The goals of the Youth Journalism Coalition align perfectly with our mission to empower the next generation of journalists, especially those from underrepresented communities. Together, we will work tirelessly to break down barriers and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future in media.”

Rita Joseph, Education Committee Chair, New York City Council

Presenting to the BLAC

Students ended the day by testifying about the importance of journalism equity to the Black, Latino & Asian Caucus’ Executive Board.

(left to right) Aissatou Dia, Fredlove Deshommes, Derry Oliver and Fatou Diallo present to the BLAC. Photo Credit: YJC

BLAC co-chair Kevin Riley addresses student leaders. Photo Credit: YJC

  • "I was able to experience the power of youth voice and how capable students are of making change through their writing talents."

    — Camila Sosa

  • ""It was an inspiring and motivating experience to come together with students from across the city to advocate for all students to have access to journalism programs."

    — Liza Greenberg

  • "With the help of journalism, I’ve been able to make my voice matter. Journalism was the megaphone I needed to make my voice heard."

    — Fredlove Deshommes

  • "Throughout the day, I nearly cried seeing the work we've done unfold in front of our eyes. I wasn't doing this just for me, but for future students like me."

    -Derry Oliver

  • " Access to journalism programs is essential for building critical thinking and writing skills, providing opportunities for student voice, encouraging active and educated citizens, and building school communities. I've seen that firsthand...."

    — Katelynn Seetaram

Special thanks to…

Malik James, Executive Director of the Black, Latino & Asian Caucus, for helping organize a successful day of action for youth journalism that we will not forget!