Our mission is to ensure equitable access to journalism opportunities for New York City’s youth.

YJC student leader Derry Oliver speaks at a press conference outside of City Hall on April 18, 2024. Photo by Dulce Marquez

New York City is the media capital of the world, but only 1/4 of its public high schools have student newspapers.

We are committed to changing that.

With members from schools, universities, nonprofits, technology companies and media outlets across New York City, the YJC is working to ensure that all of the city’s young people have opportunities to tell important stories and develop the skills to pursue media careers.


Missing Voices

This four-part limited series from the Miseducation podcast digs into the unequal landscape of youth journalism in New York City. A team of five high school student reporters criss-cross the city examining how and why the gap exists — and what can be done to address it.

Listen to Miseducation anywhere you get podcasts.